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GTA San Andreas


Torrent link: GTA San Andreas
Review IGN:
It's not often that we do three unique reviews for one game across multiple platforms. But given the length of time between the original PS2 release and the subsequent Xbox and PC releases, we felt it important to give it a second look. On top of that, PC gamers may have some expectations that may be a little different than console gamers so we decided to differentiate those as well. What we found after playing the game for so long is that it's still an excellent game on the PC. It looks better than the other two versions and has better combat controls while suffering only slightly in the driving department with the mouse and keyboard. It's an expansive, awesome, well produced and put together game with a ton of different missions of all sorts. While it has its problems, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a very entertaining game with hours and hours of fun for those who both want to rip right through the story or explore the gigantic environment... more

1. download "DAEMON Tools Lite"
2.extract files you downloaded (files in folder "gta sa") to one folder
3.two of that files are called "[PC GAME ITA] - GTA_SAN_ANDREAS", open MDF file ( should look like this: ) to install the game one folders you extracted is "Crack No-CD"
5.that folder contains file "gta_sa.exe"
6.extract that file to desktop
7. open folder where you installed the game, it is probably in Program files->Rockstar games->GTA San Andreas will find file "gta_sa" in that folder
9.replace it with "gta_sa" which is now on desktop "deamos tools"
-right click-add image
11. Select the MDF file
12. Double-click on the hard drive at the bottom (DT - 0)
13. Click play14.enjoy


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